Monday, May 13, 2013

High Altitude Balloon Launch

The Geospatial Field Methods class at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire had worked throughout the semester to develop a High Altitude Balloon Launch (HABL) rig.  The rig was created with a styrofoam box with a hole to fit the lens of a flip camera, a GPS tracker to retrieve the mapping rig and hand warmers to protect the flip camera from the cold temperatures of higher altitude.  The styrofoam box with its contents was taped shut with strong packing tape.  A parachute was attached the the mapping rig so when the balloon popped from increased air temperature the camera and GPS tracker would be protected.

The class worked on preparing the High Altitude Balloon mapping rig throughout the semester. The construction of the rig can be seen in "Balloon Mapping Part I" as well as other student blogs at

On April 26th, 2013 the class, along with Professor Joe Hupy, launched the High Altitude Balloon rig.  On the day of the launch an 8 foot diameter balloon was filled with helium.  When the balloon was full, the balloon rig and parachute were attached.  The Balloon rig was launched from the center of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus at approximately 8:30 a.m.  The temperature at the launch time was in the mid-60s and the wind was slightly mild.  The conditions were not perfect, but sufficient for the balloon launch.  The balloon rose quickly to the east on its release.  The HABL rig reached around 100,000 feet in the air.  When the balloon was out of site, students went into the classroom and waited for a signal from the tracking device.
After about an hour, the signal was received.  The balloon rig had landed about 78 miles from campus near Marshfield, Wisconsin.

Figure 1: High Altitude Balloon Launch
Path of Balloon

Figure 2: High Altitude Balloon Rig
Ending Location Near Spencer, Wisconsin

Some aspects of this project could be improved for better results.  The Flip camera shut off and stopped collected imagery after only an hour.  Luckily for us, the balloon had already started descending at that point.  A GoPRO camera would be a better camera type to use for the purposes of this type of mapping.  As the camera rose in the atmosphere condensation formed around the camera lense.  This resulted in somewhat hazy images.  In future HABL launches a kite may be used and a thermometer and barometer may be added to the rig for more data collection during the balloon's flight.

The images collected from the HABL launch are somewhat shaky and are at inconsistent angles.  Because of this, the best images from the HABL launch are static images.

I had never considered collecting aerial imagery using this technique before this class.  I am thankful that through Professor Joe Hupy I was able to participate in such an innovative process.  There are many unconventional ways of mapping and aerial imagery; with creativity amazing images can be retrieved at a very low cost.

Trial and error was very important to the success of this project.  Throughout the semester and by the campus balloon mapping exercises we were able to come up with new ideas to create better aerial imagery mapping devices.  Even after the HABL launch the class thought of ideas of how we could have made it better.  The collaboration as a class was my favorite part of this project.  The ideas that were thought of were expanded upon by other students.  It helped me to open my mind to things I had never thought of before.

ArcPad Data Collection

The goal of this project was to develop a deployable database to be used to collect data in the field.  The database consisted of pre-designated fields and domains.  Once the database was developed, it was deployed to a Trimble Juno GPS unit and data was collected at The Priory.


The first step in the project was to determine what data to collect.  Students chose from trails, benches, erosion points, notable viewpoints, large trees, notable trees, dead trees, human objects, bluebird houses and animal tracks.  Our group chose to collect data on notable trees; this included large trees, small trees, notable trees and dead trees.

In ArcCatalog, a new file geodatabase was created.  Domains for tree condition, tree type and notable features for trees.  Coded values were used within the domains for efficiency of data collection in the field.  The coordinate system for the geodatabase and feature class was set for WGS 1984.  This is the coordinate system used by the Trimble GPS unit.

Figure 1: Domain types in geodatabase developed for
field collection of trees at The Priory
After the geodatabase was collected and all attribute fields were added, the database was deployed to a Trimble Juno GPS data.  To ensure the geodatabase would not be corrupted, the entire folder holding the geodatabase ("CheckInOut_Hansonla") was copied.  The folders when then copied and pasted into the storage card on the GPS unit.

Figure 2: Folder hierarchy to be deployed
to Trimble Juno GPS unit

Once the geodatabase was deployed the the GPS unit, we went to The Priory to start collecting data.  Our group walked along the trails of the area and collected points of trees that had visibly notable features.

During a two hour period of field collection, 14 data points were collected.  The following figure shows all of the data points collected.
Figure 1: Notable Trees, All data points collected
The Priory-Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Figure 2: Notable Tree Condition
The Priory-Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Figure 3: Notable Tree Size
The Priory-Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Figure 4: Trees with special conditions
The Priory-Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Figure 5: Tree Type
The Priory-Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Although I have worked with deploying geodatabases to ArcPad in the past, I learned a lot of things through this exercise.  Unfortunately, two members of our groups geodatabases did not deploy to the ArcPad correctly.  One geodatabase did not deploy because the feature class and TIFF file were not projected to WGS 1984.  My geodatabase deployed to the GPS unit, but for an unknown reason it would not collect data.  It is my guess that the symbol I used for the feature class on the computer was not compatible with ArcPad.

Because two members could not collect data with their individual GPS unit, we used one GPS unit and took turns collecting data.  This was not the best way to go about such an exercise, but it worked.  It is obvious through the data collected that were did not collect things in the exact same way.  This can hamper the data collection.  This exercise was designed to introduce the students to geodatabase deployment and the Trimble Juno GPS units.  Even with the difficulties of our group, we were still able to learn the basics of both aspects of the exercise.